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Monday, August 4, 2014

Rella and Casper

Hi everyone!

So as I have shared, I have an adorable black lab puppy named Zoe.  She is currently 7 months old, and my husband and I adopted her shortly after we got married.

Prior to getting married, I lived with my parents and had the pleasure of living with these two pups:

While both yellow labradors, they couldn't be more different. Rella is 7 years old and has been with our family since she was a young pup.  She is mellow and obedient, loves people, and is a strikingly beautiful dog.  Casper is our "old man" at 8 years old.  Our family adopted him when he was 6 years old when a painter who helped renovate our house sadly had to sell his own house and couldn't bring Casper to his new condo.  He saw how incredibly spoiled Rella was and knew that Casper would have a good life with us.  Casper loves to play fetch and will play for hours on end.  His tennis ball is his favorite, and he is a quirky fella who has a special place in my heart.

Naturally I painted portraits of these two and feel that I captured their differing personalities perfectly.

The paintings add the perfect contemporary touch to the guest bedroom!

I just love my Casper and Rella!

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